What are the synonyms of education?
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What are the synonyms of education?

What are the synonyms of education?

Education means ① the entire process of cultivating new generations to be engaged in social life, mainly refers to the process of training children, teenagers, and youths in schools.② Use the truth to persuade people to do it (rules, instructions, or requirements, etc.).When writing homework and writing copywriting, synonyms often need to be used.Here, what are the “educational” words brought by you, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Educational synonyms

Cultivation, creation, promotion, cultivation, church, teaching, training, training, lessons, instructions, guidance, cultivation, teaching, teaching, teaching, feeding, education, teaching, training, training, training, training, training, training

Education Pinyin

[jiào yù]

Educational sentence

1. Elementary education, focusing on laying a good foundation.
2. Teacher Wang Education Li Jie.
3. Our principal is an old educator with a decent style.
4. Grandpa often uses the method of comparison of this time to educate me.
5. In order to strengthen quality education, the school reforms the examination methods.
6. Vigorously popularize nine -year compulsory education and improve the quality of the whole nation.
7. Educators should persuade rather than suppress, often suppress.
8. We thrive under the care and education of the teacher.

Educational word decomposition

● Teaching: (jiào) Number of strokes: 11; Ministry: 攵.
◎ Guidance, training: teach.Teacher.Teaching.teacher.teach.Discipline.consult.The teaching is long.Teach according to the aptitude.
◎ Make, order: wind energy teaches the boat.
◎ Refers to “religion”: priest.The leader.pope.church.
◎ Surname.

● Education: (yù) Number of strokes: 8;
◎ Shengbu: Children.Breeding.Give birth to a child.
Feeding: infant.Feed.Cultivation.Care.Raise.
Long -term teaching and training according to a certain purpose: moral education.Intelligent education.physical education.Aesthetic education.Teaching and educating people.

Related words at the beginning of teaching

Education reform teaching staff instructor instructor teaching rules
Education and Education Pope Church Teaching and Education
Teaching Plan Teaching Book Flip Teaching Materials Teaching Materials Chief Earlier
Teaching by teaching tutorials
Teaching Taoism Di Di Telection, Teaching, teaching, teaching and reading
Teaching and Teaching, Teaching Fanfang Teaching Father, Godfather, Godfather

Related words ending